Wheel Alignment
Put simply, wheel alignment is the science of accurately measuring and then positioning the wheels on your car to ensure the least amount of wear to your tires. When correctly set it will greatly extend the life of your tires, your car also will handle better, it will also be safer to drive.
Need a Wheel Alignment?
- When you are replacing your tires.
- After hitting a pothole or when you encounter a curb.
- If your steering wheel isn’t straight or your car pulls to either side or wanders on straight roads.
- We recommend a wheel alignment at least once a year to ensure your vehicle’s safety, improve handling, and maximize the life of your tires.
Rapid Tire Wear
Two of the most common problems that can cause rapid tire wear are incorrect Camber and Toe-In settings.
This measurement determines whether or not your wheels lean in, out, or sit straight up in a vertical position. Incorrect camber makes your car feel as if the steering is pulling to either side. Correct camber ensures the right amount of tire tread is in contact with the road for safer turning, braking, and reduce tread wear.
When your front wheels are ‘pigeon-toed’, you have toe-in and if they’re pointing out like ballerina’s feet you have toe-out. Both lead to tire scrubbing and excessive tread wear and may also cause unpredictable steering responses.
Our Alignment Service Includes;
- Standard alignment
- Front-wheel alignment angles are measured and adjusted.
- Thrust Alignment
- Front and rear wheel alignment angles are measured with adjustments made to the front wheels.
- Four-Wheel Alignments
- Front and rear wheel alignment angles are measured and all four wheels are adjusted accordingly.